Swissmedic Guidance on Incident Reporting: Overview
The article highlights the key points related to the regulatory requirements in the sphere of incident reporting in the context of healthcare products allowed for marketing and use in Switzerland.
The article highlights the key points related to the regulatory requirements in the sphere of incident reporting in the context of healthcare products allowed for marketing and use in Switzerland.
The new article describes in detail special considerations related to remanufacturing medical devices and the determination of the legal status of such activities.
The new article elaborates further on the requirements to be fulfilled by the entities involved in the activity considered remanufacturing based on considerations described in the previous article.
The new article provides a general overview of several examples demonstrating the way the regulatory approach described in previous articles should be applied.
The article highlights the key points related to the regulatory requirements for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical devices manufactured by healthcare institutions to address their internal needs.